Company History

How it all started

Nissan Forklift Co. Ltd.

Through the integration of TCM and Nissan Forklift, UniCarriers Corporation offers the market over a century’s worth of combined experience, and product value that has long been considered among the best in the industry.


Founding of Nissan Forklift Espana


Takada Kogyo succeeded the Nissan Forklift production from Nissan Motor’s Murayama plant


Founding of Nissan Forklift Shanghai


Nissan Forklift celebrates 50th anniversary


Atlet AB acquired by Nissan Forklift group


Founding of Nissan Forklift Co. Ltd. succeeding Nissan Motor’s industrial machinery business


Establishment of UniCarriers Corporation (UniCarriers Holdings Corporation)


TCM Corporation and Nissan Forklift Co. Ltd. joining UniCarriers Group, each becoming 100% subsidiary of UniCarriers Corporation


Integration of TCM Corporation and Nissan Forklift Co. Ltd. Start operation as UniCarriers Corporation


Three retail sales companies in Japan, U.S. and Europe becoming wholly-owned subsidiaries


Acquisition of Konosu factory of UD Trucks Corporation


“FOZE”, diesel forklift truck and certified used forklifts being placed on market


Headquarters and Global R&D center, moving to Shin-Kawasaki, Kanagawa prefecture


Reach truck forklift, designed, and produced in Europe, receiving International Forklift Truck of the Year (IFOY) award in the category of Warehouse Equipment


U.S. retail sales company “Capital Equipment & Handling” becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of UCA


Acquisition of 70% of equity stake of Anhui Hecha Forklift Co., Ltd, production and sales company of China

New Forklift Sales

Tailored turnkey solutions for your unique requirements. We take care of your equipment so you can focus on your business.

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Rent to Own Solutions

Owning a forklift has never been easier. We offer a flexible rent to own program which means you rent for five years and it’s yours.

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Long Term Rentals

You can stay flexible by renting the forklifts you need at any moment, diesel, gas or electric. We have the forklift rental solution for you.

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Short Term Rentals

Our short term forklift hire rates are reasonable. Remain flexible and rent exactly the forklift trucks you need at the time.

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Refurbished Forklift Sales

Our quality refurbished forklifts come standard with a 3 month warranty, and are thoroughly serviced by our experienced team of professionals.

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Maintenance Contracts

By choosing the UniCarriers service and maintenance package, you can significantly improve the truck uptime in your facility.

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Space Saving Solutions

Modern warehouses require effective storage solutions to optimise thier levels of efficiency. Let’s book a consultation to discuss your requirements.

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Forklift Service & Parts

Engineers selected and trained by UniCarriers use manufacturer-approved components and lubricants to keep your machines running at peak performance.

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Please fill out our contact form and one of our dedicated team will get back to you within 24 hours,
alternatively you can email us at or call us on 011 397 0500.